Event key details
28th April 2020
- 4:00pm
Single Well Chemical Tracer Testing (SWCT) is a volumetric method commonly used to determine the residual oil saturation of a reservoir. For this method to be effective, effective placement of fluid into the target zone is required. If out of zone injection occurs, the volume of tracer injected to the target zone is no longer known, and determining residual oil saturation becomes unreliable. Conventional PLTs in many completions struggle to evaluate this as the measurements are limited to fluid flow within the first string/pipe only, i.e. across the perforations / ICDs.
Remke Ellis will discuss how using passive hydrophones to record the acoustic frequencies generated by fluid movement can identify and distinguish between flow into and out of formation units and annular flow (i.e. cement channelling, leaking packers). This means the distribution of injected fluid behind pipe is realised.
The presentation will focus on a case study where these passive acoustics have been used to assess the suitability of a zone for SWCT by evaluating how effectively targeted zones are in communication with the production string and how effectively adjacent zones are isolated from each other by the relevant completion components.
This event is open to ICoTA members only. If you would like to attend but are not a member, visit our 'Membership and Renewals' page to sign up before registering.
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