A Message from the Chairman

Stuart Murchie, 2021-2022 Senior Chairman, speaks on the 2022 SPE/ICoTA Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition.

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Members & Colleagues,

I hope this finds you all well, keeping busy and managing thru’ these crazy times. Clearly we have some time to go before we are over this pandemic, but hopefully the active measures being taken around the world will get us there before too long.

In the meantime it is reassuring to see the oil price holding at a healthy level, and activity growth across the industry being seen and being forecasted by many, and importantly so in the well intervention space.

I just wanted to send a quick message to the ICoTA membership, first and foremost to thank you all for your continued support and engagement in the association – something we not only value, but greatly appreciate. I was honoured to take up the position of Senior Chair in April, and I look forward contributing further to ICoTA global and to the chapters from this position.

Secondly, as you likely already know from our LinkedIn and website posts, we are planning to return to an in-person event for the 2022 SPE/ICoTA Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition, for which the committee are already actively planning the event around the traditional components. Furthermore, following its success at this year’s virtual event, we will be adding an operator roundtable to the agenda. 2022 will also see the addition of an operator booth at the global conference, a feature that has been very well received at recent European conferences. More details on the event will be forthcoming. In the meantime I would ask that you engage in the call for papers, through a direct abstract submission or by promoting this across your respective organizations. Session categories details and the abstract submission procedure can be found at the following link. www.spe-events.org/wellintervention/call-for-papers. Submission deadline is August 30th.

And finally, we welcome any feedback you wish to share in regard to next year’s event or the association at large. Please do send in your comments or suggestions or you can fill out a quick 2-minute survey (below) relating to our 2022 SPE/ICoTA Conference & Exhibition scheduled for March 22-23 in The Woodlands, Texas.

Thank you again, stay safe, and I hope to see many of you in the Woodlands, at Chapter events, or elsewhere on my travels once they resume.


Stuart Murchie
Senior Chair – ICoTA Global