David discussed “The Importance of Innovation During a Time of Disruptive Change in the E&P Industry” and covered several key topics including:
- The need to find innovative ways to cut the cost of supply to sustained downward pressure on hydrocarbon prices resulting from the surge in US oil and natural gas production
- The need to reduce GHG emissions
- Opportunities and challenges created by the digital transformation underway in the E&P industry
- Novel integrated well intervention solutions, with an example from wellbore plugging and abandonment
We got great feedback from our attendees on what was an excellent presentation, and we want to thank David for this educational session.
We then dived into two very rich technical sessions, both of which were very well attended and with well involved Q&A sessions following.
One session was on Data Enhanced Interventions and Diagnostics where 5 papers were presented.
- Bruce Reichert: Coiled Tubing Vibration and Premature Failure SPE-204430-MS
- Zhanke Liu & Steven Tipton: Latest Development in Physics-based Modeling of Coiled Tubing Plasticity and Fatigue SPE-204421-MS
- Kevin Hollerich: Establishing Predictive Friction Factor Ranges in the Permian and Appalachia: Frac Plug Drill Outs SPE-204410-MS
- Saniya Karnik: Machine Intelligence for Integrated Workover Operations SPE-204423-MS
- David Parra, Farid Hadiaman & Javid Zeynalov: Successful Gas Shut Off Operation Using a Coiled Tubing Telemetry System: A Case History SPE-204414-MS
The other session focused on Intervention Solutions and again saw five new quality papers including:
- Ernesto Franco: Solids-Free Loss-Control System Enables Efficient Coiled Tubing Workover Operations: Case Studies in Ukraine SPE-204406-MS
- Jeff Fulks: "Squeezing" Perforations Rigless - No Pumping or Injection Required SPE-204404-MS
- Courtney Payne: Degradable Loss Control System for Coiled Tubing Interventions SPE-204427-MS
- Vikram Unnikrishnan: Pushing The Boundaries Of Plug Milling In Deformed Liners- Best Practices And Lessons Learned SPE-204440-MS
- Jillian Hillier: Intervention Multi-skilled Crew Reduces Personnel on Board, Footprint and Costs SPE-204439-MS
Proceeding all of this was an e-poster session, again with excellent content.
The week continues today with two sessions: Latest Developments in Equipment, Tools, Fluids, and Materials for Interventions, and Coiled Tubing and Pipe Development, Applications, and Solutions
We will also be announcing The Curtis Blount Outstanding Paper and Winner of the ICoTA Intervention Technology Award – the top intervention award in the industry.
Through the week we have more leading sessions sharing the very best in interventions. Be sure also not to miss a highlight of the conference – our inaugural Operator Roundtable. Here you will hear expert opinions from some of the world’s best with regard to all matters surrounding interventions.
Finally, join us also for our virtual networking event two hours after the conference on Thursday. This will be a great chance to catch up with everyone, to meet past acquaintances and new in an informal online setting.
It’s not too late to register for this fantastic event, and in doing so all content is available to you for the next 90 days online! Go here to register now!
Posted in Industry News, ICoTA Global News on March 22, 2021